In order to promote vocations to the priesthood, we have established a senior altar server program. The participants are being trained in advanced altar serving skills such as incense preparation, processions, benediction, and serving for longer and more complex liturgies, including those with the Bishop. Learn more
It is a great honor and privilege to serve at the Altar of our God as Pope John Paul II's indicated in his inspiring address to altar servers on August 1, 2001. In that address the Pope encourages altar servers to understand the responsibility they have in this service to the Church. He said, “The altar server has a privileged place in liturgical celebrations. Those who serve at Mass present themselves to a community. They experience from close at hand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgy . . . In the liturgy you are far more than mere “helpers of the parish priest”. Above all, you are servants of Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest.”
1. Sophia SketchPad: The Eucharist (Video 6:38)
2. Prayer Hands: Be a Better Altar Server (11:39)
3. That Catholic Show #001: Sit, Stand, and Kneel (5:08)
4. Do You Know When to Kneel During the Mass? (5:24)